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About Us…

Hello, this is Evan. My brother Leo is outside. Anthony is our step-dad and he does some cool stuff that I like, so I wanted to be a part of his company. So that’s why I joined Aught Media. For now I’m just learning and helping, but I’m going to make stuff too. Songs and websites, and stuff.

Leo is a good drawer. Maybe he’ll make some stuff too. Or tell some stories about his drawings. But after he does his chores probably. See ya!

Break Reminders

Keeping the work life balance, well, balanced. They are in charge of break times and distractions. Lots and lots of distractions.


They help out around the office, keeping things orderly and the wheels turning. They are good at organizing stuff and being an extra pair of hands or eyes when needed.


Learning the ropes — from how to make a website, to how to write a song. One day this will all be theirs, for they are the future.

Yeah yeah yeah…Enough about me, you’re here for the art. Check Out The Projects